
TL:DR for geotechnical engineering.

PhiDash.net is your number one resource for quick and reliable geotechnical engineering knowledge. It’s not intended to be as comprehensive as the many excellent text books in the field, but aims to be a fast and easy-to-use reference for rapidly understanding concepts. Please seek professional advice.


The information here is broken down into four topics:

1. Soil mechanics
2. Rock mechanics
3. Ground investigation
4. Geotechnical engineering

This follows the convention of starting broad and specialising later. Everything in ground engineering depends on and builds from soil and rock mechanics. Then comes ground investigation. Only when we understand the fundamental behaviour of soil, and in particular “our” soil, can be then progress to applying geotechnical engineering principles.


  1. There are many things we can’t know about your project site, the least among which are the soil type, soil strength, and soil state, the ground water conditions, the loadings, or the legal requirements in terms of design codes and certifications.
  2. Therefore, this website is provided “as is” and without any warranty of any kind, as an aid to understanding and a means to improve the general knowledge in geotechnical engineering.
  3. If there is any doubt about the suitability of a site in terms of ground conditions or the behavior of a structure in contact with the ground, we strongly advise that you consult with a specialist geotechnical engineer.
  4. This website is intended as a user-friendly guide rather than an exhaustive academic text on the subject of geotechnical engineering. In many cases, detail has been omitted for the sake of accessibility.


phidash at phidash dot net

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